Northern Sámi Notebook Chapter 3: Numbers

Northern Sámi fill in the blanks notebook

(My own learning notes, I use online dictionaries Neurotõlge and Sanit to find the translations. Let me know if there are errors by Tumblr or our email )

Chapter 3: Numbers - Nummirat Math vocabulary

To count - lohkat / rehkenastit
To add - lasihit
To divide - juohkit
To multiply - geardduhit
Equals to (is) - lea
+ ja
- eret
/ juhkojuvvon
* geardde

Cardinal numbers

0 - nolla
1 - okta
2 - guokte
3 - golbma
4 - njeallje
5 - vihtta
6 - guhtta
7 - čieža
8 - gávcci
9 - ovcci
10 - logi
11 - oktanuppelohkai
12 - guoktenuppelohkai
13 - golbmanuppelohkai
14 - njealljenuppelohkai
15 - vihttanuppelohkai
16 - guhttanuppelohkai
17 - čiežanuppelohkai
18 - gávccinuppelohkai
19 - ovccinuppelohkai
20 - guoktelogi

11-19 - second number + nuppelohkai

20 - guoktelogi + 1-9
30 - golbmalogi + 1-9
40 - njealljelogi + 1-9
50 - vihttalogi + 1-9
60 - guhttalogi + 1-9
70 - čiežalogi + 1-9
80 - gávccilogi + 1-9
90 - ovccilogi + 1-9
100 - čuohti

Ordinal numbers
1st - vuosttas
2nd - nuppi
3rd - goalmmát
4th - njealját
5th - viđát
6th - guđát
7th - čihččet
8th - gávccát
9th - ovccát
10th - logát
11th - oktanuppelogát
12th - guoktenuppelogát
13th - golbmanuppelogát
14th - njealljenuppelogát
15th - vihttanuppelogát
16th - guhttanuppelogát
17th - čiežanuppelogát
18th - gávccinuppelogát
19th - ovccinuppelogát
20th - guoktelogát

Northern Sami notes chapter 3 numbers

How many hands do I have? - Galle gieđa mus leat?
You have two hands - Dus leat guokte gieđa

How much is 2+3? - Man olu lea guokte ja golbma?
2+3=5 - Guokte ja golbma lea vihtta

How much is 9-2? - Man olu lea ovcci eret guokte?
9-2=7 - Ovcci eret guokte lea čieža

Words learned: 60
Phrases learned: 6
